Your monthly gift gives power to all parents (and gets parents to the polls) 

You already know that it’s the underrepresented and underprivileged in our nation whose voices most urgently need to be heard. One of the top-cited reasons these voices go unheard is the financial burden of childcare.

It’s not enough to have a seat at the table. We want to make sure everyone gets there – and has a role in the conversation. 

It’s going to take a village. Will you join us?

We got our start in the polling place line

Watching the news coverage of long polling lines during the 2016 election, Politisit founder Rachel Sowray—at the time an attorney and mother of a toddler—realized that many families likely faced an impossible choice: pay a babysitter so they could vote, or pay the bills so they could live.

With the help of donors like you, Politisit has covered the cost of thousands of hours of childcare for hard-working parents. We’ve even helped three moms who became so engaged they ran for elected positions (and won!).

As a nonpartisan organization, we don’t influence outcomes—only engagement. 

Our mission is to enable caregivers to influence legislation and policy so it reflects their needs. By getting more voices to the table, we can strengthen our communities and our democracy.

When diverse perspectives are represented, everyone wins

Your monthly gift will help provide childcare support for 150+ families in areas with historically long voting lines, few polling stations, and systematically marginalized and disenfranchised communities, resulting in:

Empowered citizens

Parents and caregivers can impact their communities and model civic engagement for their children

Stronger communities

Civic institutions begin to diversify when lower-income caregivers are able to participate

A healthier democracy

When more parents are engaged in politics, everyone benefits from the policies their voices help shape

  • "We live in a time where many mothers are scared and frustrated about the future of our country and what that might mean for their children. Politisit empowers women to be a positive influence in the areas of our community and politics that matter to them.”

    – Lauren, Politisit client

It takes a village - join us today

With a small monthly gift, you can help ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. Join The Village and help contribute to a better future for all.